Parivrtta Rajahamsasana
This pose is super challenging and fun. I really need to be warmed up to get the arms bound for this variation, and even so I use a small towel or strap to find the connection on one side. Here is the class I taught this past week to build up to this revolved flamingo pose variation. (60min – 75min sequence) Add in sun salutations and Childs pose as needed. You can always amp it up with crow pose or extra push ups in the vinyasa and you can always tone it down with modifications and skipping the vinyasa.
ROUND 1: Childs pose, side body stretches L/R, Table add cat cows and wrist stretches, Down dog drop heels L/R for side body opening. 3 leg Dog, knee to nose rounded plank 3x, Anjenayasana, prayer twist and exult, Half split, add side body stretch, rotate to side for gate pose, windmill arms down to mat facing the back wall, table top spinal balance, 3x round knee to elbow, awkward airplane 3x arm/leg to sides, 3 leg Dog, Warrior 1, twisted dragon, lower glutes to mat facing front of mat keep leg crossed over the knee, upward facing table with legs crossed, boat pose, abs (steeple fingers and twist, open to half boat and lift to full boat), shoulder stand, rock and roll to massage back, chair pose, forward fold, mountain pose, modified vinyasa, repeat on other side from 3 leg Dog.
ROUND 2: Warrior 1, humble warrior, warrior 3, chair pose, twisted chair, move through flamingo to twisted lunge, exult arms, open to Warrior 2, press up flying warrior 3x, exult W2, half moon pose, standing split, 3x tap knee behind heel, seated spinal twist (working the bind under the lifted knee), standing split, pyramid pose, humble flamingo, lunge, 3 leg dog, vinyasa with leg lifted. Repeat on other side.
ROUND 3: Warrior 1, humble warrior, revolved half moon, revolved triangle pose, unwind to wide leg forward fold, lunge to back wall, add twist and bind, step back leg up and cross front leg over still holding the bind, find half lift through the torso while rotating for Revolved Flamingo Pose. Release to cross leg forward fold facing back wall, unwind to forward fold at back of the mat, walk hands out to complete a vinyasa. Repeat other side.
Wind down suggestions: Bridge pose, Supported shoulder stand, Reclined Bound Angle, Happy Baby, Sweet Savasana.
Namaste, friend.
*I will work on adding a video for clarification on a lot of these transitions. Stay tuned…