Random Thoughts That Kept Me Awake…

This could get embarrassing, but I love a good laugh at myself so LETS GO.

Look, I’ll admit. I’m not a cool writer where everything I say comes out real suave; quite the opposite. I seem to thrive in awkwardness, even though I’m uncomfortable too. It’s just the zone I live in. For example, back in the era of “that’s what she said” I constantly, and accidentally, set myself up for that. Each time feeling that slight cringe and feeling of “oops, I did it again.” *eye roll*

I wonder what it would be like to watch a reality show where I am in it. Unknowingly of course. I wonder if I’d love her character or if she’d make me cringe. I think a bit of both probably.

I always thought of an online presence as being so impersonal. Not intimate like a real close friendship would be. But I’ve been thinking about it wrong. Great friends can be made virtually. I just didn’t see it because I was too scared to open up this way. Somehow it feels more vulnerable, I think because of the lack of reading body language and facial expressions. Maybe it’s more like when one sense is dulled, others begin to peak in its absence.

The reality is these are all small blips of time. Good moments or bad, soak in each memory and lesson with gratitude.

In reference to being a step-mum: I have come a long way, but I still struggle with taking things personally. Especially when I’m compared to her mom. She says comments that probably don’t have anything to do with me but I base them off of other comments said in the past (that were about me). I think I might be piling up things that aren’t even about me. But then again, maybe I am just taking a young teen’s harsh words to heart. Either way, I’m working at taking control of this.

Any one else want to share the odd places their brain takes them at night??