12:32am 2/12/25
Well, here I am again. I went to bed really early because I took some antihistamines… I think I’m having a little allergic reaction to laundry detergent or something because…
Well, here I am again. I went to bed really early because I took some antihistamines… I think I’m having a little allergic reaction to laundry detergent or something because…
Roxy, my 2 year old, climbed into bed with me and smushed her face up to mine then kept coughing for a good 10 minutes. Now I can’t fall back…
This could get embarrassing, but I love a good laugh at myself so LETS GO. Look, I’ll admit. I’m not a cool writer where everything I say comes out real…
Pre trip notes: We’re spending the weekend at Wilderness Shores Ranch with one of our favorite family friends. We got the camper and prepped food on Thursday night. Then packed…
It gets repetitive keeping up with all the mom responsibilities. Breakfast, morning hustle to school, take the youngest to story time, lunch time, nap time (mine only falls asleep in…
Parivrtta Rajahamsasana This pose is super challenging and fun. I really need to be warmed up to get the arms bound for this variation, and even so I use a…
Hi, I’m Sibley. (Middle name, George, after my dad). I was born and raised in Maine, went to the University of New Hampshire and now reside in Florida with my…
Thank you for checking in! Welcome to a peek inside the mind of Sibley George. Explore on to read about my stories, yoga sequencing and my practice, my parenting bloopers…