About Sibley George

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Hi, I’m Sibley. (Middle name, George, after my dad). I was born and raised in Maine, went to the University of New Hampshire and now reside in Florida with my husband and three kids. I’m a mom and step-mom. I am also a yogi, a wanderer, a tree-hugger and an over-thinker. I decided to start this blog because I have been journaling for as long as I can remember and the thoughts pile up faster than I can jot them down. My journaling has always been sporadic and in lots of locations at once from notebooks to notes in multiple apps on my phone. Lots of these thoughts show up while I should be sleeping. Shout out to my fellow insomniacs! Welcome and thanks for being here.

You may have seen the mantras that motivate me on the hOMe page; here is where they came from.

  • “If you think it, you become it.” – A paraphrased quote from Buddha. Simple yet it makes so much sense. I’ve never been religious but I’ve always been spiritual and he seems like a guy I really would have loved to meet (there’s probably a few billion people that would agree).
  • “Everything is already OK.” – This stood out to me from a story I was told at Kripalu School of Yoga and Ayurveda when I was staying there during my yoga teacher training. Swami Kripalu said this in moments of chaotic preparation or any overwhelming state of mind. Whatever it is, it’s already ok. No need to change or panic.
  • “Just keep going.” – I have said this to myself countless times when I am totally burnt out, depleted, exhausted, doing all the mom things for the past 4 years. It started during my nights waking up to breast feed every couple hours, then carried into struggling to follow in the wake of my messy toddler, to trying to figure out what to feed everyone for dinner. This one continues to give me the final push I need to do the task. Usually it comes out as a muttered whisper under my breath with a giant sigh. Still grateful, still exhausted.

I plan on using this place to share ideas about a few of my favorite things including yoga, travel, camping, and parenting. Maybe we can all build a community around lightening our mental loads and being ok with the roller coaster of emotions our days bring up. Looking forward to sharing some laughs and adventures! Happy reading.