12:32am 2/12/25

Well, here I am again. I went to bed really early because I took some antihistamines… I think I’m having a little allergic reaction to laundry detergent or something because I am unbearably itchy.

It’s a full moon and so clear tonight, suppose I’ll share a little internal reflection. I sort of lost momentum in this blog for the past week (or two? I struggle to keep track of time as a stay at home mom). I think I started thinking too much about how other people monetize their blogs but that’s not what got me here to begin with. I just want to write a little bit. I don’t care if no one reads it; actually I probably prefer that no one finds this page. It makes me feel very vulnerable, but also another reason why I’m putting it out there I guess. I’ve only shared the site with my mom, sister, and one friend. It’s for me, but discoverable which is a little fun somehow. Come find my wild thoughts on the internet 🤪 or don’t.

Maybe I’ll make this site prettier one day, but right now I enjoy the simplicity of it. Time is precious and I’m not feeling like using it to impress with flashy or vibe-y looks. In order to keep this from being another project I start and drop just as fast, I’m going to remind myself to drop the expectations of where it should go, and see where it takes me organically.

This also means for me to stop saving it all as drafts and just hit the publish button already. Ok, well impressive if you’ve read this much of my boring rambling tonight. Later.